ZyDoc Offering Free COVID-19 EHR Documentation Services to Struggling Hospitals and Health Systems
Mar 23, 2020 | Jonathan MaiselZyDoc, a leading New York-based medical documentation company, is offering its services at no cost to all healthcare providers and hospitals affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. The company’s cutting-edge, dictation-based services allow providers to create their medical records 61% faster than traditional data entry methods by using a smartphone, tablet, telephone or digital recorder. ZyDoc recognizes the urgent need to work more efficiently to care for an increasing number of acutely ill patients. These records are necessary not only for patient care but are imperative to devise effective treatment paradigms. As we found in China with over 80,000 reported cases, very little scientific information regarding their treatment success and failures emerged after several months without data collection. The de-identified information collected will supplement data obtained from clinical trials so we can benefit from the collective wisdom of our medical community.
According to ZyDoc’s CEO, James M. Maisel, M.D., a New York-based retina surgeon, “Detailed medical records will provide critical data to best treat the viral pandemic. We need to collect this information expeditiously to supplement therapeutic trials starting March 24, 2020 in New York. These trials will establish important data sets that hopefully will quickly validate which specific treatments are safe and efficacious.”
Prior to the pandemic, the average doctor was spending almost six hours daily working on patient data entry at their office or the hospital, with over fifty percent of physicians facing burnout. Now, it is more imperative than ever that we improve their efficiency and quickly develop safe and effective treatments for hundreds of thousands of infected patients. The sheer increase in workload of these acutely ill patients will heavily tax our physicians.
Fortunately, despite many hospitals having to double their capacity, ZyDoc has a HIPAA-compliant, scalable platform that requires no software installation, IT personnel or extensive training. Start-up can be the same day, even in facilities that are set up as temporary hospitals, so doctors can start dictating immediately. The transcribed dictations are then automatically inserted into the appropriate sections of any cloud-based EHR.
In this crisis, ZyDoc gives doctors the flexibility to dictate from anywhere, and offers a documentation solution that is more accurate and much faster than keyboard and mouse, scribes and speech recognition software. Scribes are a HR burden and their numbers will now be dwindling with at least ten percent of healthcare workers currently infected with the virus. Speech recognition is only marginally better but only one-third of doctors have successfully adopted the complex technology. Lastly, keyboard and mouse is less efficient with the average doctor being able to dictate three times faster than typing.
ZyDoc is ready to help facilitate the gathering of COVID-19 data as accurately and quickly as possible. The more data we collect, the sooner we will be successful in developing therapies to defeat this virus. To request no-cost clinical documentation services from ZyDoc, view our plans and pricing and a free trial, or call toll-free at 1-800-546-5633.
ZyDoc was founded by CEO James M. Maisel, MD, a retina surgeon and medical informatics innovator. Its mission is to empower clinicians with simple and efficient clinical documentation solutions. ZyDoc solves the EHR usability puzzle with an easy to use and highly effective dictation method that accurately generates detailed medical documentation. This improves clinical outcomes, enhances referrals, optimizes charge capture minimizes malpractice risks and collects data for analytics. It is intuitive, requires minimal training and saves physicians hours of work dealing with the EHR burden. ZyDoc offers full EHR interoperability with almost all EHRs and is an athenahealth Marketplace partner.
Press, Business, Donor and Investor Contact:
James M. Maisel, M. D.
Chairman, ZyDoc